Liberty Rocks

World & US News Round-ups, Commentary & Research Information

VIDEO: What Caused Our Economic Crisis?

Posted by Admin on September 26, 2008

I don’t have a lot of time to write tonight, but I did want to share this video.  It goes a little fast in some places, so you may wish to have your mouse above the pause button, but this particular video is packed with excellent research and facts surrounding our current economic crisis, and the varied causes behind it…

Oh, and as for this “bailout”?  NO WAY, NO HOW!  We CANNOT let Congress foist this socialist plan upon us.  Plain and simple – it’s economic terrorism. More about that tomorrow if I have time.  Otherwise, I would definitely suggest doing as much reading as you can about these proposed plans, they are NOT what they seem!

Burning Down the House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis?


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