Liberty Rocks

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Anarchist Hypocrisy – Planned Recruitment Center Protest (Torches & Cages?)

Posted by Admin on March 12, 2008

It has come to my attention (Credit to FReeper ConcreteBob) that an anarchist/anti-war/anti-recruiting group in Pittsburgh – Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG – is planning to have an old-fashioned medieval “torch march” on March 19, 2008! Their announced plans are to march carrying torches to the recruitment station, and “If the station remains open, we intend to evict it and everything inside of it, occupy the location, and transform it into something useful for the community.”.  They are also planning to bring with cages to place the military recruitment officers inside of.

Now, while it’s commendable to peacefully protest and stand up for what you believe in – no matter how crazy others may think you are – to conspire to commit felony destruction of federal (taxpayer owned) property and the kidnapping of Federal (Military) Officers while in the course of duty – not to mention a host of other various felony and criminal charges they could incur – is the height of stupidity, not to mention hypocritical. My guess is that they are counting on police being there to “hold them back” as they’ve alluded to in their announcement (convenient isn’t it?).

Below is a screenshot of their announcement which was posted on their website on February 20, 2008;

Thumbnail of complete screenshot (Click on the image to see the full-size SS):


Highlighted Parts – Cropped and Full-Size:



Wouldn’t it be interesting if they were allowed to go forth with their plans instead, and then force them to deal with the realities of their stupidity? As one poster, FReeper TaxControl, suggested over on; the Recruiters should just protest vociferously that they don’t want to go into the cages, but let themselves be put inside. Then once inside, these military officers should pull out their cell phones and call the FBI to report the kidnapping of a federal officer in progress.

Then let the Feds deal with these punks who think they are above the law. Because, as I said, peaceful protesting is one thing – a right of these citizens that I fully support even though I don’t agree with them – destruction of federal property and kidnapping is another.

As another FReeper, Captain Rhino, pointed out if this group’s plans are successful there is a whole list of felonies (state & federal) that they will be guilty of including, but obviously not limited to; Felonious Tresspassing – felony (State & possibly Federal), Destruction of Federal Government Property – felony (Federal), Assaulting an officer in the course of duty – felony (Federal), Unlawful Detention – Felony (State & Federal), Kidnapping – felony (State & Federal). I’m guessing that in today’s atmosphere there are probably a few more things they could charge these people with – even up to treason (for abducting a military officer during a time of war — and no, I’m not positive on that, but it would make sense would it not?).

What’s intriguing about their plans – besides the fact that they are conspiring at this point to commit a host of federal felonies – is that it’s in direct violation of their group’s stated policy on planning actions of this sort as well. In a page on the group’s website entitled, “Hey POG why did you DO That? A Statement on what POG does and does not organize“, they state the following;

“As a group we absolutely never organize anything involving destruction of property or physical harm to human or non-human animals.”


Hmmm… someone better mention that to the person at POG who planned this event…

I really do hope the FBI will consider sending a clear message to this group – and all like them that believe NON-peaceful protest is acceptable as long as it’s aimed at those who they have pronounced as “criminals” – interestingly without due process which I’m sure they will insist upon if they are indeed arrested.

One clue for these people — it’s not exactly going to endear you to the public (some of whom may even agree with you) if you insist on protesting in this manner. Even most liberals I know would be telling you the same exact thing.

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